Men need eachother as close friends to help each other when one needs help and boost eachothers confidence. Men depend on other men for masculine approval. Both the movie The Hangover and the reading "The Girl Hunt: Urban Nightlife and performance of Masculinity as Collective Activity" proves this. In The Hangover it shows us a group of friends who go through many problems and many things just to find their missing friend. Together they unite all the clues they have in order to get that end result which is finding their friend. Grazian's reading talks about yound men preparing to go meet new girls, the way they do it and how they act infront of their friends in order to meet a girl. In the reading young men would drink before going out at night and their purpose was to get drunk in order to boost up their confidence and to go out and have a good time. Meeting girls is part of their plan aswell because they have to prove to their friends that they can get girls. In The Hangover the four friends planned to drink that night so they can boost their confidence and have a good night before one of the friends (Doug) gets married. This shows us that men use alcohol as a way to boost their confidence before they go out in groups. One of the guys name Stu, was the most shy guy. Once he drank with them and went out he met a girl in a club and married her. Tours the end of the movie the guys liked the girl and they hated his fiance so they encouraged him to leave his fiance for the girl he just met and he did. In the reading men encouraged other men to talk to a girl in the club and when they did, the friends would act as if they were proud of them and approve of this. This just shows us that men depend on their guy friends and need the approval of them, girls are just a way to prove their masculinity even further.
Works Cited:
Grazian, David. "Urban Nightlife and performance of Masculinity as Collective Activity."Men's Lives. 8ed.Ed.Michael S.Kimmel And Michael A. Messner. Ed.
NYC:Allyn & Bacon, 2010. 320-337. print.
The Hangover. Todd Phillips. Zach Galifianakis, Bradley Cooper and Justin Bartha.
Warner Bros, 2009.DVD.
This is a very good paragraph which opens with an effective topic and includes examples from the movie and Grazian's reading supporting the idea expressed in the topic sentence. A direct quote from Grazian's reading would strengthen your paragraph. Remember to italicize books' titles.