Me: Oh My god, tell me all about yesterday??? how did it go in Andrea's birthday at the club???
Friend: The party was Awesome!! but guess what was even better???
Me: hmm you sound exited, i don't know tell me!!
Friend: So, i was dancing with the girls in the middle of the dance floor, and i notice this interesting young man walking in the club who cached my attention.
Me: really? and what did the other girls think?
Friend: Well they were Staring once he walked in too, because he did not come alone, he walked in with a group of guy friends who did not look bad themselves .
Me: hmm a group of young guys walkin in with him, interesting ... and then what happened?
Friend: Well they sat at the bar section for a while, drinking and then they noticed us, i smile at him and then they seem to be talking about us. They suddenly approached us very confidently and one of the friends of the young men came up to me.
Me: why would his friend talk to you instead of him doing it himself? what did the friend say?
Friend:i dont know, that's what i thought but then i didnt mind. He told me that his friend was checking me out since he walked and that he wanted to get to know me.
Me: o wow that doesnt sound do confident of him to send his friend to talk to you for him ... What did you tell him??
Friend: Well he was really cute, so i told his friend that i would talk to him. So he calls him over and while hes walking tours me the other guys seem to partner up with all of the girls i came with and offered them a few drinks.
Me: oh finally he approaches you! What did the young men tell you, and what did he look like?
Friend: He looked very cute and confident as he walked tours me, he looked like he really put time in getting ready. I liked everything about him, except the fact he really smelled like alcohol, but i did not really mind because its natural everyone usually drinks at a club. Then he asked me "Hey beautiful, i noticed you the minute i walked in.. i was wondering if you wanted to dance?"
Me: ha sounds like a line many guys would use, and what you say?
Friend: i thought it was really cute, well you know i could not reject him so i accepted and while we were dancing his friends were with mine and looking at him as though they were proud of him.
Me: You see the way you say his friends looked at him sounds very fishy, is like they made a plan to meet to get you guys to talk, but tell me how did the night end?
Friend: I don't think so well at the end he asked for my number and we exchanged numbers. While leaving the club his friends were giving him high five, i was just laughing. He'll probably call me today, i will never forget that guy it was like love at first i hope he calls you! Im happy you met a guy you really like and i hope he does call you and doesnt dissapoint like most guys do.
Friend: Yeah i know he will call, he showed a lot of interest! you should off came, you probably would've met the guy of your dreams.
Me: Nah, i don't think i would meet the guy of my dreams in a club.
Friend: Well, you never know.
I really like your dialog as even though you/your character does not comment on what happened to your friend at the club, your friend's account of what happened effectively captures what Grazian describes in his article about girl hunt. Also, I found it interesting that you friend says she didn't like that the guy, whom she eventually ended up with, smelled like alcohol but then she she didn't mind. Why? Why did she excuse this if she didn't like it?