Friday, April 29, 2011
Blog Post # 8
Men have it more fair than women do because they get accepted easier in women dominating jobs. Men are accepted more in women dominating jobs than women in men dominating jobs. Some people like to hire men in women jobs because they think men get the job done well or they just think its nice having a men in a women job and its different. women in the other hand do not have it as fair when working in men-dominating jobs because people sometimes underestimate their skills. Males are encouraged to move up position (glass escalator) when they are in a female-dominated job. women always remain in the same position(glass ceiling). Sometimes men are even judged or made fun off for having these women-dominating jobs. men sometimes don't even try pursuing some jobs because they are seen as women jobs but they are still accepted unlike the women in the male dominating jobs. This source its useful, because their is many information from many research and interviews therefore you can trust it. This article can help shape up my thesis because this article includes many interviews where some of the men agreed to the fact that they were accepted and got the job very quick and by the fact that they were the only men, and because of that they got promoted to a higher position while women remained in the same position.
Williams P Christine L. "The Glass Escalator: Hidden Advantages in the "Female" Professions" Men's Lives 5ed.
Ed Michael S.Kimmel and Michael A. Messner. Ed
NYC: Allyn & Bacon, 2001. 211-224. print.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Blog Post # 7- Zinns reading
Masculinity plays a big role for the men described in this reading. The Chicano men are described as the "Macho" men. In the reading, research proved that these men have all the power in the house, and in decision making tours the family if their wife are unemployed and if they get more payed then their wives. If the wife is employed, getting payed more than the men do, then it switches up to the power being equally shared between them and decisions tours the family being equally decided as well. Their way of life has an influence on their masculinity. At Work The higher class are treated better then they do. They work hard and get payed less. When they get home they take it upon their family, being controlling and the "Boss" at home just how they are treated at work. This is how these men prove their masculinity, by being these "Macho" men and having all the power at home, in making all the family decisions.
Zinn, Maxine Baca. "Chicano Men and Masculinity." Mens Lives. 5ed.
Ed.Michael S.Kimmel and Michael A.Messner. Ed.
NYC: Allyn & Bacon, 2001. 24-32. print.
Zinn, Maxine Baca. "Chicano Men and Masculinity." Mens Lives. 5ed.
Ed.Michael S.Kimmel and Michael A.Messner. Ed.
NYC: Allyn & Bacon, 2001. 24-32. print.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
Blog Post # 5- Espiritu's Reading
As Well as African Americans, Asian Americans did not have it easy either.Through out history Black male struggled from slavery and racism and having to seperate from their wives and children. Black Male had to deal with rejection in society just because of the color of their skin. As soon as Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, the American government switched it up for the Japanese who were already US citizens. The Japanese living in America had their freedoms taken away and were sent to concentration camps during World War II just because the US government didnt want the Japanese people that were living in America to be a threat to the US. Just like the Black male, Asian male also had to go through many struggles like being away from their families and getting fired from jobs and just having their freedoms taken away from one day to another. People deprived these group of men from their privileges and stripped them of their masculinity. These men were no longer seen as men, but where seen as a race. By looking at these two ethnic groups, We could just see how racist America is with other Races and the struggles people especially males have to overcome to fit into this society.
Le Espiritu, Yen. "All Men are not created equal." Mens Lives. 5ed.
Ed.Michael S.Kimmel and Michael A.Messner. Ed.
NYC: Allyn & Bacon, 2001. 17-23. print.
Le Espiritu, Yen. "All Men are not created equal." Mens Lives. 5ed.
Ed.Michael S.Kimmel and Michael A.Messner. Ed.
NYC: Allyn & Bacon, 2001. 17-23. print.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
Who's the man?
What makes a male the Man? In Theroux reading, "The Male Myth" Theroux talks about how "little boys are turned into men" and the negative influence it has on these men because these men just try to prove society how manly they are. In Marable's reading "The Black Male" he talks about the struggles of the black men in the past and how influences them today. I think the real Man is the one described in "The Black Male" because unlike the male described in Theroux reading, The black Male sort of build themselves into becoming a man. Also in Marable's building he talks about how white man were afraid of black men stealing their wives because black men were just so strong and manly and women liked this. Black Men are the real men because they face many struggles, that make them strong and learn that they have to be manly enough so go through these struggles. Besides proving society how manly they are they also have to face racism. In Theroux reading men are just told how they have to behave to fit into society, and they have to meet society's expectations. So in Theroux reading the man's only struggle is to prove how manly they are. Which makes the man in "The Black Male" the real man.
Marble, Manning. "The Black Male." Men's Lives. 5ed
Ed.Michael S.Kimmel and Michael A. Messner Ed.
NYC: Allyn & Bacon, 2001. 17-23. print.
Ed.Michael S.Kimmel and Michael A. Messner Ed.
NYC: Allyn & Bacon, 2001. 17-23. print.
Theroux, Paul. "The Male Myth” Across Cultures. 7ed
Ed. Sheena Gillespie and Robert Becker. Ed
NYC: Pearson Longman, 2008. 101-105. print.
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