Your research paper seems to have an interesting topic, however, I believe that in order for you to make your research paper stronger you must use sources that will make your points valid. If you are relating the experiences of black male when they were slaves and black male today, I think you should use sources that have studied this topic that you could quote from in your paper that way it will be much stronger and can captivate the reader. I also think your thesis could be stronger as I think you have good ideas but they do not seem to connect. Instead of putting many short sentences on your thesis why don't you try combining them altogether and create paragraphs instead? Also, remember to explain why black male have disappeared on women or have failed to raise their children properly. Not only black male have had this negative reputation, Latino, Asian and white male have also been stereotyped- so make sure to explain why black male seem to be more likely to abandon their families.
Your research paper seems to have an interesting topic, however, I believe that in order for you to make your research paper stronger you must use sources that will make your points valid. If you are relating the experiences of black male when they were slaves and black male today, I think you should use sources that have studied this topic that you could quote from in your paper that way it will be much stronger and can captivate the reader. I also think your thesis could be stronger as I think you have good ideas but they do not seem to connect. Instead of putting many short sentences on your thesis why don't you try combining them altogether and create paragraphs instead? Also, remember to explain why black male have disappeared on women or have failed to raise their children properly. Not only black male have had this negative reputation, Latino, Asian and white male have also been stereotyped- so make sure to explain why black male seem to be more likely to abandon their families.