Blog Post # 5- Espiritu's Reading
As Well as African Americans, Asian Americans did not have it easy either.Through out history Black male struggled from slavery and racism and having to seperate from their wives and children. Black Male had to deal with rejection in society just because of the color of their skin. As soon as Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, the American government switched it up for the Japanese who were already US citizens. The Japanese living in America had their freedoms taken away and were sent to concentration camps during World War II just because the US government didnt want the Japanese people that were living in America to be a threat to the US. Just like the Black male, Asian male also had to go through many struggles like being away from their families and getting fired from jobs and just having their freedoms taken away from one day
to another. People deprived these group of men from their privileges and stripped them of their masculinity. These men were no longer seen as men, but where seen as a race. By looking at these two ethnic groups, We could just see how racist America is with other Races and the struggles people especially males have to overcome to fit into this society.
Le Espiritu, Yen. "All Men are not created equal." Mens Lives. 5ed.
Ed.Michael S.Kimmel and Michael A.Messner. Ed.
NYC: Allyn & Bacon, 2001. 17-23. print.
This is a good post which compares the experience of Black and Asian American men. But think about how the racism and oppression affected/shaped the perception of masculinity of these men. Good work cited entry but remember to italicize or underline the title of the book, Men's Lives.