Friday, April 29, 2011

Blog Post # 8

              Men have it more fair than women do because they get accepted easier in women dominating jobs. Men are accepted more in women dominating jobs than women in men dominating jobs. Some people like to hire men in women jobs because they think men get the job done well or they just think its nice having a men in a women job and its different. women in the other hand do not have it as fair when working in men-dominating jobs because people sometimes underestimate their skills. Males are encouraged to move up position (glass escalator) when they are in a female-dominated job. women always remain in the same position(glass ceiling). Sometimes men are even judged or made fun off for having these women-dominating jobs. men sometimes don't even try pursuing some jobs because they are seen as women jobs but they are still accepted unlike the women in the male dominating jobs. This source its useful, because their is many information from many research and interviews therefore you can trust it. This article can help shape up my thesis because this article includes many interviews where some of the men agreed to the fact that they were accepted and got the job very quick and by the fact that they were the only men, and because of that they got promoted to a higher position while women remained in the same position.

Williams P Christine L. "The Glass Escalator: Hidden Advantages in the "Female" Professions" Men's Lives 5ed.
                 Ed Michael S.Kimmel and Michael A. Messner. Ed
                 NYC: Allyn & Bacon, 2001. 211-224. print.


  1. Please review the assignment and complete it in the appropriate format.

  2. Many individuals who work in big corporations mention that men are more likely to succeed because they are more goal-orienteed and less emotional than women. This article might help you a bit to incorporate opinions and such. It relates to men as well! :

    I think a women is just as likely as a man to succesfully be an executive, however, others believe that is not the case. These stereotypes plague our society and often influence those who hire and who might push aside women and instead support men. Thus, Explain why men are more likely to hold executive positions and why women have been pushed aside. Nonetheless, remember that women are on the rise in leading corporations, creating businesses, being politicians,and so forth. The reader might not know what glass ceiling or glass escalator is so make sure you explain us what both of these terms entail in regards to the role of men and women in the workplace.
