Friday, April 15, 2011

Blog Post # 7- Zinns reading

                Masculinity plays a big role for the men described in this reading. The Chicano men are described as the "Macho" men. In the reading, research proved that  these men have all the power in the house, and in decision making tours the family if their wife are unemployed and if they get more payed then their wives. If the wife is employed, getting payed more than the men do, then it switches up to the power being equally shared between them and decisions tours the family being equally decided as well. Their way of life has an influence on their masculinity. At Work The higher class are treated better then they do. They work hard and get payed less. When they get home they take it upon their family, being controlling and the "Boss" at home just how they are treated at work. This is how these men prove their masculinity, by being these "Macho" men and having all the power at home, in making all the family decisions. 

Zinn, Maxine Baca. "Chicano Men and Masculinity." Mens Lives. 5ed.
      Ed.Michael S.Kimmel and Michael A.Messner. Ed.
      NYC: Allyn & Bacon, 2001. 24-32. print.  

1 comment:

  1. This is a nice summary of Zinn's article. But what do you think of Zinn's claim in this article? Does Zinn agree with how Chicano men are seen by society? are the Chicano men simply insecure and this is why they adapt the Macho masculinity?
