Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Blog Post # 4- Marable's Reading

               Although in a way there has been a huge change in the way black men are viewed in society, they're still many things that still in a way remain the same. Somethings that have changed for example are black men rights. In the past black men didn't even have the right to vote. Like in the reading "The Black Male" It said "They warned whites that giving the vote to the black male would lead to widespread rape and sexual assaults against white women of the upper class"(19). So black men didn't have a voice in politics back then. Today Black men have equal rights and we even have a black president. Back then that was impossible to happen so that really shows that there has been a huge change in society. Although there has been a huge change, somethings have remained the same, Men didnt have rights and were always treated lower than everyone else this connects to the way they treat black women. Black women are the only people below the black male therefore black male treat them the way they used to be treated befor they had any rights. For example the way black men treat black women In the past, black men never showed their feelings to their wifes or affection and they would beat their wife because black men were always beat as slaves by their white masters and the only people they can take it on was the only people that were below them, black women. For Example in "The Black Male" Marable stated that "Black  women suffered from the economic exploitation and racism Black males experienced- but they also were trapped by institutional sexism and all of the various means of violence that have been used to oppress all women, such as rape "wife beating" and all sterlization."(20) Today we still see things like this happening in the black race, Men beating their wifes. Or Leaving their wifes alone to struggle with the children alone. In the reading Marable said "Black men must understand that they too must overcome their own inherent and deeply ingrained sexism recognizing that black women must be equal partners in the battle to uproot injustice at every level of society."(23) I think that instead of going against their opposite Sex because of struggles in the past, Black Men should unite with black women as a race to prove society wrong, So that more change can keep occurring.  

Marble, Manning. "The Black Male." Men's Lives. 5ed 
      Ed.Michael S.Kimmel and Michael A. Messner Ed. 
      NYC: Allyn & Bacon, 2001. 17-23. print. 

1 comment:

  1. Your post addresses two points Marable makes: Black men's rights, and Black men's relationship with Black women. Are these two issues related? Is one issue contributing to the other? How? Good Work Cited entry.
